Posted by Petra on January 12, 2005 at 17:13:10:

Hi Chris,

Since you made special mention of the latitude and longitude needing to be included in the predictions, I have been doing so since the beginning of the year. See the Burney post just above this thread. Everything that is needed is there. I can do an update and then give them to Roger by the quarter which would sort of keep the momentum going, I guess.

Roger can correct me if I'm wrong, but 5 of the 6 locations came in. The one which had one a totally false alarm was for New Idria which sits about 20 miles north of Parkfield. 4 of the 5 had only a 1% chance of hitting, the Parkfield quake had only 1/2% chance.

I'll tell you why I think the man who says he knew a bigger quake was coming wasn't talking out of his hat. People who hear ear tones gather experience after years and years of hearing them. He seems to focus on the larger global quakes, which doesn't mean he doesn't hear smaller other ones, but that is his area of interest. If you hear 5, 6 & 7 magnitude quakes, then you have a good idea what a larger quake would sound like. Its the same as playing music and you know what low volume is compared to high volume. Any sound that would take your hearing away for two days is a really serious sound. I also think that from his experience his "gut feeling" was that the other 8's were not it and he was right, they weren't. While we cannot evaluate his method, its just interesting that little by little people are surfacing who are reporting they have made the connection between this sound and earthquakes. It happens all over the world where there are earthquake faults. Its a curious thing, one to take time to study and try to understand. Hopefully one day a machine can do it and I'll be happy about that.

I'll be as precise as I can and keeping doing what feels right. I'm a horrid perfectionist, so even the most minor imperfections bother me. We all have our tools and not unlike KB, he has his too. But I don't need 900 miles and 9 months to hatch an earthquake. Ten days is all it gets and if it doesn't show up, then let's move on to other things. I've been at this wheel for four years and so far it improves with experience, but its hardly perfect. LOL
