"Drop, Cover and Hold On" during earthquakes
Posted by Canie on January 06, 2005 at 19:51:39:

I just got the following interesting email in from SCEC:

In recent months an e-mail has been circulating which describes an
alternative to the long-established "drop, cover, and hold on" method for
earthquake safety. This email advocates the "triangle of life" method and
other alternative actions to take during an earthquake. The email may seem
to present reasonable advice and may seem to be from a credible source.
However, the advice is potentially life-threatening, and the author has been
broadly discredited.

A special web page has been created at
http://www.earthquakecountry.info/dropcoverholdon/ with links to statements
in support of "Drop, Cover, and Hold on" and rebuttals of the alternative
method written by many preparedness organizations, as well as newspaper
articles about the alternative method and its advocate.

The members of the Earthquake Country Alliance hope that this webpage will
be a useful resource for you and your family, friends, and co-workers.

For a complete handbook on why we should care about earthquakes in Southern
California, and what we can do to be safe and reduce damage, please read
"Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country" at