Roger's evaulation |
Petra...I suggest you take Roger up on his offer, rather than discouraging an evaluation like the other time. Also, Roger, if Petra takes you up on this, I suggest that for predictions posted here that lack a Lat-Long or radius, that Petra be allowed to come up with a Lat-Long that is precisely accurate for the location that she specifies...for example, the center of Willow Creek. Where there is no radius given, that you use a standard radius: say, 25 km for a M3-4, and a 50 km radius for a 4-5. Also, that if she misses on the high end (like Parkfiel, that this not disqualify the prediction, but if there is a miss on the low end (like less than M3), that this is a miss. And, that Petra provide you a list of all her posted predictions for 2004. Petra, if you don't take Roger up on this, then please don't complain that you are not being taken seriously....you would not in that case deserve to be taken seriously. Roger...my casual observation of Petra predictions suggests that there could be something there.....not spectacular, but something. But, of course, I can't really tell. Roger is of course free to evaluate posted predictions whether Petra wants him to or not. Follow Ups: ● Re: Roger's evaulation - Petra 10:44:22 - 1/2/2005 (24219) (1) ● Re: Roger's evaulation - chris in suburbia 11:35:42 - 1/2/2005 (24221) (0) ● Re: Roger's evaulation - long/lat - Canie 10:28:33 - 1/2/2005 (24218) (0) |