Re: The Geysers - Too Much Home Damage
Posted by chris in suburbia on November 11, 2004 at 02:52:40:

Hmmm...and what happens if a M7 initiates near one of their injection wells (I am not looking at a map so don't know how far to the nearest large fault)? I would think the company would be in trouble. A couple of us wrote a proposal, and submitted it about 4 times without success, to study the San Andreas fault (Brawley zone) and cross faults in Salton Sea. The company that runs the geothermal plant(s) there would not help us with information because they considered the papers from the 1980s by one of the P.I.s irreponsible (PI is not Private Investigator or Private is Principle Investigator). It is kind of understandable that a company that is manipulating fluids in the San Andreas fault zone would be a little nervous..even if their wells are 2 or 3 km deep and the big earthquake may be set off at 10 km. I wonder if the rock there is just too hot for a big earthquake? A M5 could still cascade down the fault and set off the big one IMHO. This is why I am semi-anonymous on this page...I am being careful with my wording also here. Chris