Alabama Quake History
Posted by Don in Hollister on November 07, 2004 at 06:03:28:

Hi All Historical records indicate the first earthquake of consequence in Alabama shook residents of Sumter and Marengo Counties, located in the western part of the State, on February 4, 1886. A similar shock occurred nine days later, on February 13. Both were reported felt at communities along the Tombigee River, but caused no damage. Only six months later, the destructive Charleston, South Carolina, shock that was felt in cities all over the Eastern United States occurred. This shock, located about 400 miles east of Alabama's border, caused minor damage in the northeastern part of the State.

In 1916 on October 18, a strong earthquake occurred on an unnamed fault east of Birmingham. It was apparently most strong at Easonville. Near the epicenter, chimneys were knocked down, windows broken, and frame buildings "badly shaken." It was noted by residents in seven States and covered 100,000 square miles.

It seems that some recent earthquakes in Alabama has gotten the attention of some USGS seismologists as well as Paul Bodin, a seismologist with the University of Memphis Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI).

One is the magnitude of the first quake M> 4.9, which is high, especially considering Alabama's history of few tremors. The other remarkable factor is the magnitude of the aftershocks: it's very unusual for earthquakes in the Eastern United States to register aftershocks measuring 3.0 or more, Bodin says. Take Care…Don in creepy town

delta=0 km to 80 km from (32.967,-87.899)
Date Time Lat Lon Depth Mag Magt Nst Gap Clo RMS SRC Event ID
1971/03/14 17:27:51.50 33.1320 -87.9110 1.00 3.90 un 14 0.00 NEI 197103144012
1975/03/01 11:50:00.20 33.5490 -87.9850 18.00 3.20 un 19 0.00 NEI 197503014006
1978/01/08 11:34:22.30 32.7760 -88.2540 5.00 3.00 un 13 0.00 NEI 197801084007
1986/05/07 02:27:00.46 33.2330 -87.3610 1.00 4.50 un 26 0.81 NEI 198605074005
1992/09/11 16:34:11.70 33.1710 -87.5010 6.50 3.00 Mc 8 317 141 0.20 SE
1995/05/28 15:28:36.95 33.1910 -87.8270 1.00 3.40 un 7 0.45 NEI 199505284049
1995/07/15 01:03:28.35 33.4780 -87.6650 1.00 3.30 un 7 0.80 NEI 199507154003
1997/12/12 08:42:20.25 33.4660 -87.3060 1.00 4.00 ML 21 0.61 NEI 199712121015
1998/06/24 15:20:01.39 32.5020 -87.9540 5.00 3.40 ML 7 1.28 NEI 199806241036
1999/01/18 07:00:53.47 33.4050 -87.2550 1.00 4.80 Mb 66 1.00 NEI 199901181019
1999/11/28 11:00:09.30 33.4160 -87.2530 1.00 3.80 ML 20 1.09 NEI 199911282035
2002/05/21 20:35:34.43 32.7970 -88.1020 5.00 3.10 ML 5 0.46 NEI 200205214055