Re: Parkfield, the P word, jet airplanes, and local taxes
Posted by Petra on October 08, 2004 at 19:07:51:

Hi Chris,

Well, according to the scientists there were no precursors to this earthquake, however, I beg to differ. I heard it and so did Subject A and maybe Cathryn as well. I see my 4.0 for New Idria has yet to emerge, and the area now sits in a gap. Well, sooner or later the gap is going to get filled, I just hope it happens in the next five hours.

Now, don't get your knickers in a twist when I tell you this, but you should at least try bridging the time gap and give it some thought. I know you're sitting on the fence about people who have ear tones, but did you ever consider that if people hear them now, perhaps when the first people were on Earth they heard them too? People then were far more intuitive than they are now, so it wouldn't have been so difficult for them to make the sound/fault connection. I think I may have lived in that time and that's why I understand it so well.

I'm sure touching on reincarnation probably doesn't feel real good to you either, but historically speaking when they chose the books for the bible they chose not to include the one which says reincarnation is real because they didn't want people to do as they pleased here, otherwise they couldn't control them. I think it may be obvious though that the premise that one may go to hell for sins committed here is waring thin. We have serious over-population problem in jails across America.

I hope the spell upon Parkfield has broken. I'd love to see far more earthquakes there so the scientists wouldn't have to defend how much money was spent there. They can learn many things, but they won't learn much if they have to wait to the minimum time span of 11 years for the next 6.0. I won't get much experience either, for that matter.

And the blessing of my week came when I got to explain to a retired physics instructor how fractals can be an objective point when looking at his personal insurance program. He said, "very good, you should be a teacher." See, Dale Kruse's words were never wasted. I love it!

Perhaps I'll go back to school at Spring semester and get underway with re-learning spanish.
