Re: The P, F, and D words- one more try...
Posted by chris in suburbia on October 07, 2004 at 05:35:33:

Canie..your figures sound accurate, although I would have guessed that interest on the debt was more than 15%. And, I understood all that. But, the difference is that I think there should be a sliding scale (progressive tax) and sounds like you do not. What I don't get is how people who may not be doing very well....not making much money (not refering to you, you could be loaded for all I know) buy into the idea that it is a good thing for multi-Millionaires and billionaires to hold onto more of their money. There was a gang of these people (including Bill gates) who said the tax cuts were a really bad idea.

What you did not dispute was whether or not it was a good idea to cut taxes right in the middle of a war on terror, and you did not address whether deficits matter.

I do need to clarify my positions: I think $51/barrel for oil is a good thing...although I'd rather see $30 oil plus $21 in taxes. And, I think entitlement/social programs are a good thing too. Research will come only after that, if there is any money left. I don't expect to convince you or anyone else of anything...I just wanted to raise some points.