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Are you simply threatening yourself? |
You and several other people who post notes here have in my opinion made comments here which I interpreted as your expressing some type of interest in interfering in my personal life as a result of your not liking the notes that I post here. Perhaps I misinterpreted what you said. In any case I am simply stating what impression I formed from your notes. And don’t ask me for specifics as it will just make matters worse. Since they have been quiet about this in the past few days I suspect that the other people might have decided not to continue with that. But it appears that you are going to continue posting notes like the one you just posted. In the past I have tried to be discrete and diplomatic about what I am going to discuss in this present post. Unfortunately that information appears to never have gotten through to you. And so I will be a little more direct in this present post. I am not a U.S. government employee. But for various reasons and in different capacities I work on projects which are intended to save lives etc. I prefer not to get involved with U.S. government affairs. But in some cases those projects do directly and/or indirectly involve U.S. national security interests. And they at times also involve people at the highest levels of the U.S. government. For example, with that antivirus project that I mentioned in a previous post I was comparing notes with top U.S. personnel who are involved with antiterrorism efforts. And I mentioned that particular project here in part to get you to “back off” and not go prying into my personal business. When I finish a project I usually stop talking with the people involved. And we go our separate ways, never to talk or meet again. But if you go poking around in my personal background the result could be that you will get yourselves involved with some of those old projects such as that one and perhaps in the process run afoul of U.S. national security interests etc. You stated that your step-father is ex-FBI and that at any time you could get all of the information that you would like regarding my personal background. And I imagine that this would include information regarding at least some of those projects which could have had something to do with U.S. national security interests. So I suggest that now that you have said that you should sit down with him and tell him that you stated this in a note posted to this public bulletin board. And then ask him what that might mean for both his and your futures should he actually try to help you with that, considering the nature of the information he might run across. Also when you talk with him you should show him a copy of one of your previous posts where I believe you referred to me as a “liar” etc. Once again, I don’t work for the U.S. government. And other than voting in federal elections I try to avoid having any dealings with those people. But at times it is unavoidable. And in fact I am working on several of those projects right now and am planning to meet with federal officials to discuss them at some time in the next few weeks. If you persist in posting what I regard as attack notes which I feel represent a threat to my personal life, then if some of the people with whom I have to or have had to work with on one of those projects decide to look into this they might conclude that you represent a threat to THEIR interests. Not a real good idea in my opinion. Follow Ups: ● Re: Are you simply threatening yourself? - Cathryn 12:58:34 - 8/28/2004 (22636) (0) ● Canie: this post is out of bounds - John Vidale 11:16:17 - 8/28/2004 (22631) (2) ● Re: Canie: this post is out of bounds - Don in Hollister 12:21:05 - 8/28/2004 (22633) (1) ● I mostly agree - John Vidale 14:06:51 - 8/28/2004 (22638) (1) ● Re: I mostly agree - Cathryn 08:00:05 - 9/19/2004 (22919) (0) ● Try reading it again - EQF 11:52:08 - 8/28/2004 (22632) (1) ● you just don't get it - John Vidale 13:36:36 - 8/28/2004 (22637) (0) |
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