Re: Use EQF please
Posted by Don in Hollister on August 14, 2004 at 21:37:32:

Hi EQF. You might consider changing the attitude you have towards people. You come off with this I'm the greatest that ever walked the face of the earth attitude it's no wonder you may have received death threats.

Just remember when and if you take someone to court you just might have to bring all of your material to court with you and prove to a court of law that your program works and that you can indeed predict earthquakes. Also there is something else you should know. Anytime you go to court your name and where you live becomes public record. The law is a funny thing. You may think it is in your favor, but it can at times go completely against you.

At any rate you would have a hard proving a case against anyone for not using the name you want them to. Anyone can go to any number of web sites and see where you have cross-linked from one name to another.

To intimidate a person in the manner in which you have done is a form of censorship. A complaint to the FCC is in order here. Take Care…Don in creepy town

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Use EQF please - Cathryn  23:44:32 - 8/14/2004  (22509)  (1)
        ● How smart is that? - EQF  00:12:31 - 8/15/2004  (22512)  (0)