Re: 10.5 - the after review
Posted by Canie on May 04, 2004 at 11:21:36:

I have to admit I fell asleep a couple times thru this rather pathetic disaster film... I tend to dose when commercials hit and there was more than enough opportunity - I know why I like cable so much...

I don't think there was one shred of fact in this one... And how about that Ticker showing the size of the quake? Going up... then even more suprisingly, going down??? Way too many inaccuracies to even begin to address... I find it hard to find anything that could have been fact...

I think what I enjoyed most was the 11 o'clock news byte - Separating Fact from Fiction - and showing a video clip of the cal-tech folks previewing the show - there was much laughter in the room.

I did enjoy the Quake Hold advertisments -it ran at least 6 times in our area... They were their own little PSA - They announced that a 6.0 or better quake has been predicted for the southern california area by september and sugegsted people get ready - Quake Hold is good stuff and they also showed other furniture straps and such to help prepare the home - and of course, buy from Lowes, OSH or Home Depot.

If anything - those commercials were probably the best thing running.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: 10.5 - the after review - Mary Antonelli  20:44:21 - 5/4/2004  (21671)  (1)
        ● OMG - Cathryn  22:47:35 - 5/5/2004  (21673)  (0)
     ● Re: 10.5 - the after review - Don in Hollister  11:33:31 - 5/4/2004  (21669)  (0)