Re: My Cat
Posted by Petra on March 16, 2004 at 06:50:02:

Hi Don & All,

There is a quake pattern I noticed a long time ago before quakes that happen around Don's area and more often than not when I tell him I'm seeing it, quakes in the > 3.0 variety arrive. Thus was the case again.

Last night around 7:30PM, several hours before Don's earthquake my cat Mr. Peaches started meowing very loudly. Both of my cats rarely meow anyway, but this one cat has a habit of getting rather loud before earthquakes. He also was more active during the evening than normal as well. After the earthquake he let out a few more meows and then finally settled down when I went to bed. Actually, I never known Mr. Peaches to meow except before earthquakes.

Just another curiosity.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: increase in tensor strain at SJB site - steve s/ sf  08:13:37 - 3/16/2004  (21369)  (1)
        ● Re: oops-link attached - steve s / sf  08:16:49 - 3/16/2004  (21372)  (0)