Re: Unusual small earthquake in Marin County California
Posted by Petra on December 28, 2003 at 00:44:28:

Hi Steve,

I think it's doubtful the San Simeon quake triggered the quake in Dillon Beach. Though, I too found this quake of interest as there are so few quakes in this area.

Curiously, the Bolinas '99 5.0 quake didn't seem to trigger any earthquakes in the general region and it was felt strongly. I took a trip out there right after the quake and found a section of the road which runs from Petaluma to just shy of Olema had a break across the two lane road from SW to NE. This earthquake did not occur on the San Andreas, nor did this most recent event in/near Dillon Beach.

My uptake of recent events is that things are changing and may be moving toward a time more like 78 thru 81 in the Bay Area.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who takes notice of these little things.
