Another try with displaying those tables
Posted by EQF on December 23, 2003 at 02:07:36:

This is another attempt at getting those tables to display properly.

PR   Probability Rating
EDF  Earthquake Data Fingerprint Numbers – Columns 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
SEM  Sun – Earth – Moon angle

Warning Signal Data
##   32  21  75  61  16  03/11/07 05:56:00  UTC

PR   EDF                
Date      Mag Lon Lat Location         
12   30  17  76  59  13  02/05/24 3.3   74 45  NEW YORK        160
12   36  20  78  57  13  01/07/03 3.9  117 34  CALIFORNIA       156
14   34  20  79  62  15  02/05/24 3.8  121 37  CALIFORNIA       157
11   30  21  88  77  32  02/03/16 4.6  119 34  CALIFORNIA       31
11   33  24   6  79  34  02/05/14 3.5  123 39  CALIFORNIA       29
11   30  22  93  76  30  02/09/08 5.1 -144 -3  PAPUA NEW GUINEA  26
11   32  21  93  78  35  03/05/04 5.8  -77 39  CHINA            34

2003/12/22  19:15:56 35.71N 121.10W 7.6 6.5 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA

At that time:

23.43S 109.00W Subsolar Point lat and lon
26.85S 119.00W Sublunar Point lat and lon
26.00S 116.00W Gravity  Point lat and lon

Ocean tides crests or troughs occurred in the Los Angeles area at:

2003/12/22 15:32:00 and 2003/12/22 22:52:00  UTC

Solid Earth Tide crest and trough location data for:

UTC 2003/12/22 19:15:56 35.71N 121.10W

46W  117W (121W) 173E  65E
-219  -57 ( -58) -213  395

Vertical Acceleration
 47W 117W (121W) 174E   65E
1103  320 ( 325) 1073 -1976

Mag  lon  lat  PR
2003/12/22  6.5  121W 36N  12
2003/12/15  3.8  129W 44N  11
2003/11/12  5.7  113W 29N  13
2003/08/03  4.2  123W 39N  12
2003/05/26  3.7  120W 37N  11
2003/11/08  3.5  119W 35N  12
2002/09/21  4.2  123W 48N  11
2002/05/01  4.8  129W 44N  11
2002/02/22  5.7  115W 32N  11

Follow Ups:
     ● That looks like it worked (NT) - EQF  02:11:07 - 12/23/2003  (20604)  (1)
        ● How Large Is California? N/T - Petra  07:29:01 - 12/23/2003  (20625)  (0)