Re: Xmas Quake: Don't count on it
Posted by Donald Boon on December 22, 2003 at 07:41:05:


Glad to hear the good news. :o)

Looks like we have a little action going on, with that mid Atlantic 6M and a possible 6M aftershock in Hokkaido (Red Puma)

I notice the past week CA/NV quake total is still in the mid 200's, down to 241 this AM.

Mount Tungurahua in Ecuador continues to erupt, while the El Nino sea temp chart continues to look about the same.

The count of 5.xM quakes is already up to nine since Thursday, whereas the total for the prior week was 9, so activity is up, mostly around the Pacific Rim, but also in the mid Atlantic (6.4M) and Myanmar. One interesting quake was west of Vancouver Island, a 5.0M on Friday.

It is heading to be a typical perigee week, so I expect at least two more USGS documented 6M quakes, one of which could be an upgrade of the Hokkaido quake magnitude. With quakes already in the Solomons, New Britain and Vanuatu, my guess is that the next 6M+ quake will be between Fiji and Tonga.

Let's hope that will take care of any Christmas "threat", and be a "non-threat" to them.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Xmas Quake: Don't count on it - Cathryn  09:54:13 - 12/22/2003  (20545)  (0)