Posted by EQF on December 15, 2003 at 12:49:10:
Chris, there are two general projects which I am discussing here. One has to do with developing a better understanding of how and why earthquakes occur. The second has to do with learning how to forecast them. And part of that involves developing better data circulation procedures. I have never seen any especially good guidelines for how to develop an earthquake forecasting program. I feel that ones which are often discussed are both unreasonable and ineffective. We cannot allow things to continue as they are, with no detectable progress being made. Sooner or later there will be a fairly destructive here in the U.S. And I believe that we are going to have to improve things quite a bit if we want to be in a position to accurately forecast it. Many of the reports and notes which I post are somewhat experimental. You try different things. And you see what works and what doesn’t.