large E.Q Alaske Aleut,E Russia
Posted by martin @ n.i.c.e. on December 30, 1999 at 19:44:52:

Kuril Islands likely for a poss 6+ 72HRS and the Aleutians are active with what I believe is foreshock activity with transferrence from East Russia. This also means that there will be potential activity near Kodiak again as far as Anchorage or Fairbanks westward. Shumagin gap is a
place that scares me as potential Tsunami breeding ground. On yer toes Alaska!

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: large E.Q Alaska Aleut,5.5Mb - Martin@n.i,c.e  08:45:46 - 1/2/2000  (2056)  (1)
        ● Re: large E.Q Alaska Aleut,5.5Mb - Canie  11:25:43 - 1/2/2000  (2059)  (1)
           ● Re: E.Q Alaska Aleut 4.9 aftshk. - martin@n.i.c.e.  17:32:02 - 1/2/2000  (2060)  (1)
              ● Re: E.Q Alaska Aleut 4.9 aftshk. - martin@n.i.c.e.  16:43:21 - 1/6/2000  (2087)  (0)