Re: M3.1 near San Cayetano fault
Posted by Don in Hollister on November 30, 2003 at 22:40:15:
Hi Chris. Here is a little follow up by James F. Dolan and Thomas K. Rockwell. Being as how it is reverse fault (thrust fault) this could be the worse kind of quake to strike that area. It could really be something to look forward to, or not forward to depending on ones viewpoint. Take Care…Don in creepy town The first paleoseismologic data from the San Cayetano fault, a major reverse fault that extends along the northern edge of the Ventura Basin northwest of Los Angeles, reveal that the most recent event on the eastern part of the fault generated at least 4.3 m of surface slip. Age determinations from detrital charcoal recovered from the faulted section indicate that this surface rupture occurred after A.D. 1660; the faulted deposits are overlain by unfaulted historical alluvium containing abundant metal fragments and a leather glove. Comparison of the large surface slip in this event with data from other earthquakes indicates that the most recent eastern San Cayetano surface rupture was larger than Mw 7 and was probably of the order of magnitude 7.5—much larger than any earthquakes that have occurred on Los Angeles metropolitan region faults during the past 150 yr.