Re: Forecasting approaches
Posted by Don in Hollister on November 11, 2003 at 23:50:00:

Hi EQF. Your words. “This situation is in my opinion the clear result of a lack of enlightened and concerned leadership among our government officials. But that is the way things are. And if you want to save lives you have to find a way to get the job done in spite of them. Complaining is important. But by itself it isn’t likely to get much done.”

If indeed the governments have this attitude then what good is it to advise them? They aren’t going to listen to anything you have to say based on a statement by you that you are right about 50% of the time. Even if they don’t know you are only right 50% of the time why should they believe you as opposed to believing anyone else?

I don’t know of any plans to evacuate the Bay Area in the event someone does predict a major quake. It is estimated that it would take at least 3 days to get most of the people out of the cities far enough away so as to be out of danger. If the quake doesn’t occur, or if it does occur, but at an area other then the one forecasted you will have a hard time getting anyone to leave the area the next time a quake forecast is made. People are funny that way. It is human nature. They feel that you, or someone else was wrong the last time, so what makes you, or they are going to right this time? You may only get the chance to be right once so you had better be right the first time.

Everyone who lives in the Bay Area know that one day they will have a major, but no one is loosing any sleep over it. That is another problem with human nature. They feel there is nothing they can do to stop it so why should they worry about it. They will deal with it when the time comes.

The best way to deal with an earthquake is to prepare for it. By preparing for it you don’t have to rely on a quake forecast that may or may not come.

Based on what I have seen, or in this case what I haven’t seen I would take any quake forecast you make with a grain of salt. If it would make you feel any better I would use that approach with anyone who hasn’t a public track record of making some very accurate quake forecasts. I have to know something works before I buy into it. Governments are no different. If you want someone to accept what you are saying then you are going to have to prove it. Take Care…Don in creepy town