two M3.4s at Diablo Canyon?
Posted by chris in suburbia on October 18, 2003 at 04:39:07:

The "?" is because they have not yet been reviewed by seismologists, but the California quake map shows two M3.4 earthquakes directly under Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. I'd be considered an expert on the Hosgri fault, located directly offshore and dipping east beneath the mainland. But, we have to wait until the quakes are confirmed and it would be nice to have a focal mechanism. The Hosgri fault is part of the San Gregorio-San Simeon-Hosgri system of right-lateral faults. Some thought that the Hosgri fault was a thrust fault because it is not generally vertical, and it has compressional folds in its hanging-wall. But, that was a 2D interpretation-in 3D, the folds have a WNW-ESE trend and entirely consistent with the Hosgri being right-lateral. When Diablo Canyon was first designed (or partly built?) they did not take into account the Hosgri fault, or they were not even aware of it. When they found out, or were found out, they had to redesign tha plant for about 2 billion $ (?), and then have hearings to pass this along to their rate payers (meaning, you guys...). Chris

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     ● 3.2 and 3.0  - chris in suburbia  15:21:27 - 10/20/2003  (19792)  (0)