Re: Earth and Sun Digest 2003/09/04 MARS PERIGEE QUAKES UP!
Posted by Donald Boon on September 05, 2003 at 18:17:05:
Don Interesting While I don't have data for several years, and what data I have is related to preliminary postings, I do have this study from 2002, which I have updated: Study of Perigee Relevance, using 6M or greater quakes: 133 6+M quakes in 2002 with 365 days or .364 quakes per day 2.5/7d 274 days outside of perigee week with 92 quakes or .336/day 2.3/7d 91 days in perigee weeks in 2002 with 41 quakes or .451/day 3.2/7d 42 days of closer perigee weeks with 20 quakes or .476/day 3.3/7d 49 days of further perigee weeks with 21 quakes or .428/day 3.0/7d As you note, any effect is certainly not catastrophic, either in numbers of large quakes or the size, and as you note there may be no effect. Donald