Posted by EQF on August 19, 2003 at 12:24:11:
What you are saying sounds reasonable to me. The nature and extent of solar storm – geomagnetic storm – earthquake interactions are things which other researchers are going to have to determine. I myself am interested in the subject matter as it appears to strongly affect the warning signals that I detect. But I do not have any plans to do any substantial amount of research on those effects. I do have to say that I am somewhat surprised that all of these questions were not answered a long time ago to the satisfaction of the general scientific community. We know how to monitor solar and geomagnetic storms and record earthquakes. And I cannot see why it should be so difficult to determine if there are strong links between them. Additionally, quite often after strong geomagnetic storms occur and occasionally while they are occurring I will begin detecting earthquake warning signals. Things have been fairly quiet along those lines for the past month or so. But as expected considering that recent geomagnetic storm, a fairly strong warning signal was detected earlier today. It might be pointing to some activity around August 24. I am not presently planning on spending any time on evaluating the signal in an attempt to determine where it might be pointing.