Re: A question for Shan and other interested parties
Posted by R.Shanmugasundaram on August 17, 2003 at 03:30:47:


For your information, I am not registering 24 hours reading at my observatory.
If I do, it is well and good and I will gain more knowledge.

Sunlight is the most powerful tool, which moves with a velocity equal to the speed of
electro magnetic wave and its interpret the earth's crust every second. I am not worried
whatever be the forces acted on earth either Solid Earth Tide related movement or Planetary
movement or Sun flare activity etc., I am considering only about the compiled results of
these forces acted on every day earth movement, which causes earthquakes at different parts
of the world.

So whatever be the inclination of the ground due to various forces / astronomical events
(Mars approaches earth on 27th August), earth wobbling or others, the final movement of
the earth is comes under sunlight resulting the affected areas are clearly VISIBLE.
Though the method involves 3D effect, I am recording only 2D vision.

If any earthquake predicting method if exist, it should be finally ended with the earth
and its movement before an earthquake occurs. Hence, I am not concentrate on any other
approach than this individual developed & field-tested method since its works well.
Perhaps I may be interested in future if such one support this method.
