Earthquake Weather?
Posted by Pat In Petaluma on December 19, 1999 at 19:45:53:

Hello Everyone,

I thought I'd just comment on our unusual weather conditions in the Bay Area. Its is toasty warm tonight and has been all day. We are receiving easterly winds and it feels just like April.

Last week in the garden at work I observed a hummingbird feeding from a Camelia and a Robin red breast as well. My tree which usually drops a million leaves by November is fully clothed today. So what's happening with the weather? Peculiarities for certain. Sign of an impending earthquake? Maybe? Who knows.

Whatever it is, its hard to catch the magic of Christmas when its to warm. But if it keeps til my birthday early next month, then it's fine by me.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Earthquake Weather? - Cathryn  12:51:10 - 12/20/1999  (1893)  (1)
        ● Re: Earthquake Weather? Cathryn & Canie - Pat In Petaluma  20:41:01 - 12/20/1999  (1909)  (1)
           ● Re: Earthquake Weather? Cathryn & Canie - Canie  22:41:03 - 12/20/1999  (1913)  (0)
     ● Re: Earthquake Weather? - Canie  22:11:42 - 12/19/1999  (1891)  (0)