The earthquake code is SHATTERING !!!!!
Posted by EQF on May 02, 2003 at 15:44:54:

Canie, if you have time to read this note I will remind you that one of the things that I have been saying is, “We are seeing some of the most advanced earthquake triggering and forecasting research being done anywhere on Earth, discussed right here in this bulletin board.”

The following could be an example of that:

In my last posting I pointed out that the Turkey earthquake waited only a day or so to occur after I had stored that most recent report at my Web site. Another day has passed. And it looks like I may have now made the first important earthquake triggering discovery to be related partly to that new report and my Turkey data analyses.

What I have been saying for quite some time is that my data indicate to me that many of our earthquakes are occurring when their fault zones are bent, stretched, and compressed in just the right manner. And that one research group in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia basically said about the same thing. Their local earthquakes were occurring when the gravitational pulls of the sun and the moon were pulling the sides of their fault zones in specific directions.

My forecasting program has in the past relied largely on looking at the longitudes of different things associated with earthquakes and precursors. And I expected that latitudes should also be important. But it has only been the past few months that I have been able to begin to see how they fit into the picture. That Turkey earthquake and the precursor signals I have been studying now appear to be good evidence of this.

If you look at the chart on my 131.html Web page you can see that three precursor signals were detected on February 1, 2003. And the earthquake occurred 3 months later on May 1, 2003. The question is, “Why was it delayed for that particular amount of time?”

The complete answer would be a little complicated. But here is what I just discovered:

What I refer to as the “Gravity Point” is the location on the Earth’s surface where the combined sun and moon gravities is strongest at the time in question. Its latitude and longitude are always fairly close to those of the moon as the moon gravity pull on the Earth is at least 2 times as strong as that of the sun.

The Gravity Point moves from about 25S to 25N depending upon the time of the month and year. And as the data in the table at my Web page show, when the third and final precursor signal was detected, it was at about 11W and 21S. When the earthquake occurred it was at 169E and 12N. Those two locations are on almost exact opposite sides of the Earth from one another. And what that might mean is that the earthquake was finally triggered when the sun and moon gravity were once again pulling the Turkey fault zone in almost the exact same direction as they were when that precursor signal was detected, but from the opposite side of the Earth!