Re: Not Always So Negative
Posted by Petra Challus on April 16, 2003 at 20:47:15:


I probably paid you the largest compliment you'll ever get around here, so how about just saying thank you?

It surely isn't up to me to determine how good your program works, only you can do that. We, the willing audience are just sitting here awaiting your success.

Believe me when I say, no one wishes you success more than I do. I'd love it if you made fools of everyone. I'd do a dance you'd never believe. So just give us something so we can uncork those champagne bottles and we'll all be happy campers together.

Pop, Fizz, Ahhhh......Petra

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Not Always So Negative - EQF  02:38:54 - 4/17/2003  (18473)  (0)