Prior post Archives and Taiwan
Posted by Candlestick on December 16, 1999 at 11:03:36:

There has been the following quake 9:17 EST99/12/16 14:17:55 49.89S 138.90E 10.0 5.8Ms
This has to do with prior posts now in the Archives regarding the Ice shelves in the Antarctica and a referrence to P and S waves.
It would be interesting to see new satelite photos this area for possible new cracks or damage ice shelves nearest this quake.

Please watch for new quakes magnitude 5.0 near South Sandwich Islands time frame unknown, but expected soon.

Regarding Taiwan--We may be entering a period of new 4.5 or greater aftershock activity. There have been two 4.5 or greater aftershocks NE of Taiwan last couple days. Tension is now once again building South part of Island.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Prior post Archives and Taiwan - Candlestick  12:43:54 - 12/16/1999  (1832)  (0)