Re: The Sun and Jupiter and iron
Posted by Candlestick on December 15, 1999 at 19:15:51:

I believe the answer to the sun and jupiter is not iron. I believe it is liquid metallic hydrogen. The hypothesis which must be proven to have merit is: To what degree is liguid metallic hydrogen affected by magnetic fields. Another question which must be answered is what percent of the moon is iron, since this is one of the variables from the last planetary alignment; like the one to occur in March to May. This is one of the answers they are looking for in smoke stack pollution is how to convert mercury to a form that can be affected by magnetism. Finally the Sun and Jupiter by their size exert some of the greatest gravatational pull in the Galaxy. As you know gravatational pull is what affects the tides and in the paper presented a comparison was made between water (tides) and magma (tides) It is the magma that the plates ride on. It is when the magma breaks through the plates in the form of lava that we have volcanic eruptions. I may have some terms wrong, but this is the basic idea. There are other layers of the surface and sub surfaces of the earth which also come in to play.