Re: Retirement - It's been fun....
Posted by Petra Challus on February 05, 2003 at 21:10:53:

Hi 2 Cents,

Sometimes you have to hang your head outside of the car door to get some fresh air. Been there, done that. I agree, sometimes you have to go out on a limb to gather the best fruit. Nothing is absolute, regardless of the topic. But you have to learn it is not absolute to influence others to take a second or third look, or whatever it takes.

Message board participants are much like a family and at times the family is going to quarrel. It is a natural event, but as in real life, sometimes one does not feel they are being heard, or unable to voice one's opinion. This is a difficult spot when you are there, so one must assess one's goals and determine if not being heard is acceptable or not.

In the family, there is a house where they reside and someone has a role to play as the person who makes the house rules. I have yet to find a house where everyone agrees on the rules. So we can object, or move, or learn to live with them.

From my heart I will say openly that I have enjoyed your posts. All of them on all of the topics you have presented. You have given me pause to think and that perhaps is the best gift anyone in life can receive. Though I think at this point I am a drifter around this house, I wanted to let you know I will not forget you.

I hope the atmosphere elsewhere will be more refreshing, and that you will blossom and find fruit in the new garden of life.

If you ever want to drop over for coffee, you know where to find me.
