Re: Volcanoes and Lava puzzler
Posted by 2cents on February 01, 2003 at 09:01:23:


You said:
"You're treading a short and dangerous path."

Care to elaborate on exactly what you mean by this ? (Especially the word "dangerous").

You said:
"Take your discussion to Syzygy Prophecy board. It will be welcome there."

My post above is not a "Prophecy" (see definition below). As such I'd appreciate it if you refrain from characterizing it as such. That would constitute a misrepresentation of what I posted.

Main Entry: proph·e·cy
1 : an inspired utterance of a prophet
2 : the function or vocation of a prophet; specifically : the inspired declaration of divine will and purpose
3 : a prediction of something to come

Ironically, definition #3 is fitting for an earthquake "prediction" board thus confirming (from your point of view) that my post is entirely "on topic" and fitting for this web-site. My post is fitting for this board but not because it is a prediction.

As it is, the air is getting a little stale in here, and I may spend my time elsewhere as it is...thus joining the list of people of who have come and gone from this message board.

Some message boards thrive and some don't...sometimes for obvious reasons....


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Volcanoes and Lava puzzler - Roger Hunter  20:22:36 - 2/1/2003  (17933)  (0)