Solomon Islands and Guatemala earthquakes, and ear tone data
Posted by EQF on January 21, 2003 at 04:26:12:

My 131.html Web page has been updated with the latest data.

Here are a few comments:

*** It could be significant that the “ac” number (87) for the powerful 03/01/20 Solomon Islands earthquake matches the longitude of the 03/01/21 Guatemala earthquakes (91).

*** If my calculations are correct, there was a Solid Earth Tide trough (164E) near the location of the Solomon Islands earthquake when it occurred (at 161E).

*** There was an unusual left ear tone detected at perhaps the exact moment that the Guatemala earthquake occurred. It lasted about 15 seconds. And one news report that I saw stated that the earthquake shaking was felt for about 19 seconds.

*** Another left ear tone matching that earthquake was detected a month earlier, on 02/12/24.

*** A right ear tone which also matched the earthquake but which had reversed “ac” and “am” numbers was detected on 02/12/10. I believe that reversed numbers like that are often associated with the positions of the sun and the moon in the sky. I am guessing that whether an ear tone is heard in the left or right ear probably depends upon some type of polarity associated with the electromagnetic energy field signal (radio wave?) responsible for the ear tone.