Re: Merry Christmas!
Posted by Canie on December 25, 2002 at 13:31:26:

Merry Christmas everyone - And Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays and Happy Kwansa and Happy Winter Solstice and.....Ramadan is past...but Happy Ramadan as well and I'm sure there's a few others there that I've missed.

I think Christmas is a time for everyone to be thankful for their friends and family, to acknowledge our loved ones and celebrate life. It is a time to stand for those things in life that seem to be forever beyond our human capacity such as World Peace, abolishment of hunger and friendship in the world. Not only should it be a rememberance of the Christ child being born, but a time of Hope that we can somehow bridge the gap in the world between what most of us seem to want in life but doesn't seem humanly possible.

I am deeply saddened by all the commercialism that is rampant this season (and most Christmas seasons or Easters, etc). I am moved to tears when I see and hear a beautiful trio of singers singing Holiday songs in front of a mall for the purpose of making money. I wonder what has happened to us all? Isn't this a time of celebration and giving?

Anyway, I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday and sharing yourselves. May peace and joy fill your hearts and minds.
