Re: World Disaster Reduction Day - October 9
Posted by Petra Challus on October 08, 2002 at 23:32:14:

Hi Canie,

Thanks for posting Dr. Groat's message. Surely he has made a profound statement as to the nature of living on this living planet. It perpetually provides the unexpected on a routine basis. I liked the ending in particular where he used the word "forecast." It sounds hopeful.

However, we the keepers of the planet have much to do. Though we should take pride in the positive changes, which have been beneficial. Thanks to President Kennedy, a whole new space program began, but little did he know in the end medicine would benefit more than the accomplishments of space flight. Thanks to Rachel Carson we learned DDT was bad for all living creatures and it no longer exists in the form it once was. Candy Lightner taught us that drinking and driving was a killing combination and the Nation as a whole changed its drinking habits.

While a great number of our population works on new accomplishments every day, to benefit humanity, another sector sets forth a pattern of destruction on unsuspecting victims. It seems we are evolving toward something, but in the wake of evolving one must tear down what was to make room for what is to be.

In Australia children go to school daily wearing hats and long sleeves to prevent skin cancer because of the hole discovered in the ozone layer. But is it possible that one day in places which have devastating earthquakes that everyone would wear a whistle on a chain around their necks to prolong a life which may be buried in rubble and have, it not thought of as strange? You never know.

Dr. Groat I believe is a good man, a strong leader and a person with good public relations skills. The perfect man for his position. I like him.
