Parkfield Is Looking Interesting
Posted by Don In Hollister on October 07, 2002 at 23:54:28:

Hi All. It looks like things in the Parkfield area are getting a little interesting. There appears to have been a slight increase in dilational strain at the “Froelich” site with a corresponding increase at the “Froclich” tensor site.

However USGS has changed the format for the dilational strain so I’m not really sure if what I’m seeing is correct, or that my interoperation of what I’m seeing is correct. All of my contacts are out chasing around the countryside so I have no one to contact at this time.

Dilational strain appears to have increased slightly, then leveled off and is holding steady at this time. Not sure if this is possible so will have take a wait and look see as to what happens next. Take Care…Don in creepy town