Re: what happened to ear tones, solar flares, etc?
Posted by Petra Challus on September 19, 2002 at 18:34:04:

Hi Chris,

We all reach a point in time when sometimes we come to realize that you just get tired of having someone disregard something that is obvious to those who have an interesting and fascinating experience. I've kept careful detailed information which in time may be used in a more detailed research project. But when the day arrives that a qualified person wants to use the data and can do so without treating me like I am less than I am, then it can bloody well sit on the shelf and wait. I have also barred myself from posting it here because some people seem to want to borrow it and use it for purposes and theories to which they are totally far afield from what the data represents. So maybe its one of those things that is just present before the time of understanding. A lot like Pangea. It takes a long time for some theories to become accepted and data collection is the best I can do at this point in time.

My first and still greater love is astronomy. But not the kind that has anything to do with UFO's. But I do not find a lack of support for those who have had some type of encounter, or seen something that is yet to be explained. If Jimmy Carter said he saw a UFO, then I know he saw it. For me, I don't want to see one of those in my lifetime.

But not unlike our Dear Friend Cathryn, my greater focus these days is upon networking for consumer problem resolution. This will with Don's help become the next web site creation. It's going to take a little time and a lot of creative work to bring this networking effort to its rightful place, but there is such a great need for people to have a resource and we are going to build one.

The Seismic Safety Zone has created a resource for common sense safety for those at risk in seismically active zones and Battered Angels has created the path to freedom for women of abuse, so now its time to focus on a wider audience, one which spans the entire nation. It comes again under the heading of education, but the fleecing of America has gone to far and its time for consumers to take back what is rightfully theirs. But you have to know how to do it and we'll show them the path and lead them to the resolution.

For every problem, there is a solution. But the path is dark and murky. Its time to put a light on this path and lend a helping hand where there is such a tremendous need.

It doesn't mean that Don or I will ever lose our interest in seismology or geology, but we have some extra time to support something where theory is not tantamount to the fruition of a goal.

When I've said, "may the light guide your way", it means just that. The light of education empowers people, so if Don and I should be the lightbearers, I think we'll be pleased with the results.

If I haven't said it enough times already, you won't find another man on this planet who cares more for humanity than Don. He is a beacon of light, helpful, kind, and his wife is the luckiest woman around. He always says when he goes home to the otherside the Angels there are going to kick his behind for what he's put them through while here, but I keep telling him, his good deeds have far outweighed anything negative he's ever done and for sure a set of Golden Wings awaits him when he arrives there.

Peace & Light,
