Posted by EQF on September 06, 2002 at 14:12:29:
Hi George. Thanks for the response. A number of people have now expressed an interest in that computer programming effort. I have been busy trying to prepare a proposal to send to this one international organization to see if I could get them to sponsor the effort. They certainly have the resources. And it might enable them to avoid some earthquake damage. One just occurred near their headquarters. And I expect that they will still be thinking about earthquakes when my proposal arrives (if I ever finish it). On the other hand, if enough people are interested then a sponsor might not even be necessary. There might actually be enough people now to get it started without a sponsor. But, I want to get that proposal into the mail before doing anything else. Regarding PERL programs, I actually wrote and had an earthquake forecasting PERL program running at the old QuakeNet Web site which was an earlier version of this EarthWaves site. People visited a Web page which had a data entry screen and entered some information if they thought that an earthquake was about to occur. At the end of the day the program summarized all of the day’s data and stored it in a file at the site which people could access. The program ran unattended for about a year. But it was experimental, did not get much use, and it was discontinued after a while. I will keep posting notes here regarding where this efforts stands. As I said, one of the most difficult parts might be to get the source code for a number of computer programs which already exist and then convert them to the newer language. Several of them might have been written in Fortran. I know that one was.