Posted by Don In Hollister on August 27, 2002 at 16:48:23:
Hi All. One of Petra’s favorite places to go is the Sho-Ka-Wah Indian casino in Hopland, California. There is a peak west of Hopland that she says looks like a volcano to her and I have to agree with her, but I doubt that it is. Anyway I found the name of the peak. It’s Duncan Peak. I haven’t been able to find anything as to the make up of the peak, but the vineyard in the foreground is in the downdropped block along the Maacama fault system. We have to cross the fault to get to the casino. We take highway 101 to get to Hopland and have to pass a huge rock on the way up. When I say huge I mean huge. Must weigh in at couple hundred thousands tons. It’s just west of the highway and there is no way you can miss it. Petra thinks this may be Squaw Leap. She can tell you the story behind that name. On the northbound side of highway 101 in the same area as this huge rock there is another rock that may weigh about 5 tons that is inching its way towards the highway. There is no indication of moisture anywhere around the rock so the vibration of passing vehicles could be causing the movement. The whole area looks like a slide looking for a place to happen. On the southbound side of the highway there is a very pronounced dip in the highway and also looks as if it has ongoing repairs. This is almost even with the huge rock. It’s almost as if the highway is sinking. Heck, for all I know it may be sinking. Take Care…Don in creepy town