Re: Seismo at St. Helens
Posted by Petra Challus on August 17, 2002 at 01:21:42:

Hi Kate,

Thanks for sharing the link. Live seismos can be truly addictive. I have a hard time when ole Mori is down and I can't catch viewing the waves. Kinda grows on you.

You're right, this time of year its tremendously beautiful in your area. The weather is at its best, including those summertime thunderstorms. I miss those the most I think. I loved to be awakened in the morning to the sound of rolling thunder through the valley and then feel the house shake. Though the shaking is different than earthquakes, they can be pretty dramatic.

Did you ever wonder what the area looked like many years ago when all of the volcanos in the PNW were active at one time? The landscape must have looked totally different than it does now. Its like imagining ten or so aftermaths of St. Helens all at once. Of course its a time only the First American's remember through the stories told by their ancestors, the one's who named the volcanos.

Imagine them sitting by the camp fire and discussing the true nature of the situation. They would have been making plans to move their camp to a safer location, without a scientist to tell them that they should move because they might be in harms way. My, how things have changed.


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     ● Re: Seismo at St. Helens - Kate  09:57:21 - 8/19/2002  (16539)  (0)