Re: EQ prediction FOR JAPAN
Posted by Yukiko L on December 04, 1999 at 15:43:35:

Dennis,Diane,thank you very much for your reply and your valuable information.
I will inform to Japanese sites.
I have to make sure I mention again that the information I wrote is not really my prediction.These are the mixtures of all the websites I read everyday(reports of people from various places in Japan & sometimes China &Taiwan) & observation of things around me relating to that information and intuition.I found this site only lately although I knew about this activity (earthquake sensitive people getting together in USA) like yours. In the future, I'm interested to try mixing all the international efforts together,
traditional and modern efforts of different culture.For example,I beleive Native American people must be really good at reading nature and they must have their own way(but unfortunately I haven't found their EQ PR site??), or Hawaian traditional way(like Mr.LEE's Site),or site like yours.I found Japanese people are good at reading clouds & networking.etc.etc.Unfortunately I'm not able to do that at this very moment.It's a shame Now is the time it's needed.
Another thing...before overseas big earthquake,some people report they heard that area's(or area around )10M FM radio & noise.But still not reliable enough by itself.If you hear any Japanese on the radio,please help.
I hope you understand my poor vocabulary.
Thank you again.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: EQ World Predictions - Diane  18:21:45 - 12/4/1999  (1618)  (1)
        ● Re: EQ World Predictions - Yukiko L  04:42:14 - 12/5/1999  (1624)  (1)
           ● Re: EQ World Predictions - Diane  07:34:05 - 12/5/1999  (1625)  (0)
     ● Re: EQ prediction FOR JAPAN - Canie  18:18:44 - 12/4/1999  (1617)  (1)
        ● Re: EQ prediction FOR JAPAN - Yukiko L  04:32:20 - 12/5/1999  (1623)  (0)