Re: Earthquake forecasting update
Posted by 2cents on June 23, 2002 at 14:53:11:


Well it's not like you're not trying to solve this problem. I'm sure many appreciate what you are trying to do.

Anyway, I found the message snippet below (from usenet) which I thought you may find of interest and which maybe you may want to follow-up on....

Take care

Message-ID: #1/1

> x wrote:
>Tidal forces imparted by the moon *MAY* trigger 'quakes by adding just
>enough force to release the pent-up stress. The operant word is
>"trigger". No extraterrestrial object can "cause" an earthquake.

Idimly recall that, in the distant days when I was a university student,
I analysed earthquake occurrence with respect to syzygy and quadrature
of the Moon.

There was NO correlation.

Of course, there is no way of testing the hypothesis that earthquakes
triggered by tidal stresses will occur within 7 days of syzygy or
quadrature... :-)
----------------------- end NG snippet --------