OT - More Planet-X/-12/ Nibiru smoke ?
Posted by 2cents on June 02, 2002 at 22:05:04:

Something Is Perturbing Comet Orbits
in the Oort Cloud Surrounding Our Solar System

"An enhanced population of Oort cloud cometary major axis orientations
which cluster around a 'great circle' on the celestial sphere has been detected.
(Data from 109 comets indicate) ...the orbital properties of these comets are being
dynamically produced by a perturber..." yet to be identified.

- John J. Matese, Ph.D., Physicist, 2002

Back to earth now...I think I heard recently that Mars is assumed to have had an atmoshpere which it has since lost somehow....

One scenario being kicked about is that an incoming 12th planet in years gone by, and which orbits our sun and it's dark twin (?) came through and pummeled (read destroyed) the 5th planet (per Bode's law for planet distances from the sun) now called / known as the asteroid belt.

It is speculated that Mars had it's atmosphere sucked off it in a near pass situation (or from
particle bombardment effects, etc ...whatever)...and just maybe that's how earth got it's moon (Yeah...I just adlibbed that part ...though it's probably been said before).
Suposedly the composition of the moon is unlike the earth and was probably captured by the earth.

I wonder what the Chinese will discover in their manned lunar mission ?


Follow Ups:
     ● Face on Pacific sea floor (sure)- anybody know where...Q - 2cents  23:17:22 - 6/2/2002  (15922)  (1)
        ● Re: Face on Pacific sea floor (sure)- anybody know where...Q - Don In Hollister  11:09:55 - 6/6/2002  (15969)  (0)