Other Earthquake Tracker problems
Posted by Billion Watts on May 27, 2002 at 19:44:13:
Thanks Petra, glad to help. I'd noticed some other problems a while back, so I sent Tom another e-mail as follows: Tom, Several of the Earthquake Tracker locations have problems that I noticed a few weeks back. Could you send a note to the individual site operators to let them know? Petrolia - Calibrated wrong Ferndale - OK but top graph messed up Hayward 2 - noisy Los Gatos - noisy Chalame - Calibrated wrong Timber Cove - Ok except for center graph Pacifica - not working, no calibration spikes Peachtree Road - not working, no cal spikes Parkfield - not working, no cal spikes Colinga - not working, no cal spikes Bittwater - not working, no cal spikes Santa Rosa - Not found on server Ukiah - No data post April 22, 2002 Seattle - No data post April 1, 2002 Mammoth Lake - Not found on server Tom's Place - not working All the best, Bill http://www.billionwatts.com