Re: Humanitarian projects organization
Posted by Petra Challus on May 12, 2002 at 19:19:33:


Should congrats be in order? Have you selected a name for your new organization? Are you at liberty to discuss the funding and mission statement of this organization? Will you be creating a new web page for it? How about press releases?

I have already copyrighted two earthquake prediction projects which are in tandem with each other. So I hope you've had your esp turned off and haven't picked either of these two names:

The Aurora Project
The Lightwaves Project

You know how it is when folks are very imaginative and very often they come up with the same ideas and often at the same time. Everyone no doubt recalls the story of Titan the ship that sank when it hit an iceberg. Years later it was followed by the invention of the Titanic and it suffered such ill fate.

If this thing of yours gets off the ground, I would most sincerely wish you tremendous success. With a little healthy competition in forecasting around the globe, you never know what this might lead up to.
