Re: What's Happening at Mt. Hood, Oregon?
Posted by Kate on May 07, 2002 at 08:10:31:
Hi Lowell. I sent an email asking that question, but to be honest I doubt if I will get a reply. I do know that these swarms at Mt. Hood occur occasionally and it seems to be part of the normal pattern for that area. I believe there have been somewhere between 15-20 of these swarms at Mt. Hood since 1990. The current swarm is in the same location as previous ones as far as I can tell. Perhaps there is a new plumbing system forming? They believe the past swarms have been tectonic so we'll see if that's the case here, but I don't honestly expect it to turn into much if the past swarms are any indication. Of course the other side to that is that one of these days one of these Cascade volcanoes is going to start swarming and it will wake up. It's anyones guess when that day will come. I'll let you know if I hear anything back.