O/T Numbers Can Be Fun
Posted by Petra Challus on May 03, 2002 at 20:03:35:

Hi All,

I saw an ass as I was driving to work today. I mean a real ass, the one that's like a donkey. That's the kind of stuff I see everyday while I traverse the roads in Sonoma County getting to and from work. I even saw an Emu one morning. Actually they are raised around these parts as well as the ostrich.

But that only temporarily diverted me from an interesting thought about a math problem I wanted to work out when I got home today. I wanted to know if I had spoken to one million people yet.

So I ran the numbers and not counting those I have spoken to or met outside of my professional career, my total was am amazing 74,400. I figure I need to add at least another 10,000 from all of my community activies over the years and so now I'm up to about 84,000.

So just for fun, from hereon out I'm going to keep a daily tally of people I talk to either on the phone or in person and see how long it takes to meet person number One Million. I wonder how long it will take.

I know Lowell keeps a firm eye on the counter for this web site to see when visitors #100,000 and so forth arrive. But just imagine in a few years I can think to myself when I meet the Millionth person, Wow, you're the Millionth person. Fascinating huh?

That's what happens when you have free mental time. You think of all kinds of stuff. LOL

Is there anyone here who can surpass my current record? I wonder.
