PREDICTION - San Fernando, Santa Clarita, California Earthquake Forecast (2.3-3.8)
Posted by Don In Hollister on April 30, 2002 at 22:47:36:

Magnitude: 2.0-3.3
From: 05/06/2002UTC - To: 05/10/2002UTC
Location: San Fernando, California
Lat: 34.3N - Long: 118.4W - Range: 35Km

Hi All. Were having a special today. Two quakes for the price of one.

The first one is a 2.0 to 3.3 at 34.3N/118.4W. This is about 5Km NE or San Fernando, California.

Should occur on 05/08/2002. The window will open on 05/06/2002 and will close on 05/10/2002.

The radius for this will be 35 Km.

The second one is a 2.0-3.5 at 34.5N/118.5W. This is about 12Km north of Santa Clarita, California.

Should occur on 05/10/2002. The window will open on 05/08/2002 and will close on 05/12/2002.

The radius for this will be 35Km. Take Care…Don in creepy town

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: San Fernando, Santa Clarita, California Earthquake Forecast (2.3-3.8) - Canie  08:49:50 - 5/1/2002  (15378)  (1)
        ● Re: San Fernando, Santa Clarita, California Earthquake Forecast (2.3-3.8) - Don In Hollister  09:06:16 - 5/1/2002  (15379)  (1)
           ● Re: San Fernando, Santa Clarita, California Earthquake Forecast (2.3-3.8) - Cathryn  21:54:11 - 5/1/2002  (15395)  (1)
              ● Re: San Fernando, Santa Clarita, California Earthquake Forecast (2.3-3.8) - Canie  22:20:31 - 5/1/2002  (15397)  (1)
                 ● Re: San Fernando, Santa Clarita, California Earthquake Forecast (2.3-3.8) - Cathryn  23:42:12 - 5/1/2002  (15400)  (1)
                    ● Re: San Fernando, Santa Clarita, California Earthquake Forecast (2.3-3.8) - Lowell  00:17:53 - 5/2/2002  (15404)  (1)
                       ● Re: San Fernando, Santa Clarita, California Earthquake Forecast (2.3-3.8) - Canie  10:10:35 - 5/2/2002  (15418)  (1)
                          ● Re: San Fernando, Santa Clarita, California Earthquake Forecast (2.3-3.8) - Lowell  11:53:29 - 5/2/2002  (15419)  (0)