Re: Contests And The Long Wait
Posted by Roger Hunter on April 20, 2002 at 04:58:23:


I agree with your analysis but I have two problems;

1) finding the quakes

2) entering them by hand.

I don't have the resources to look all over for little bitty quakes that might fit and typing them into a search database format so my program can read them is a royal pain.

However, my program is not necessary for this purpose if we are doing a yes or no judgement on particular quakes. But you will lose the quakes that might fit to some degree.

If you all wish to proceed this way, let's say finding the quakes is up to the contestants. Give me a URL so I can verify them and check for a fit and we'll be in business.



Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Contests And The Long Wait - Lowell  09:18:19 - 4/20/2002  (15055)  (1)
        ● Re: Contests And The Long Wait - Roger Hunter  09:35:51 - 4/20/2002  (15057)  (0)