Strong geomagnetic storm continues
Posted by Lowell on April 18, 2002 at 07:57:16:

The strong geomagnetic storm which began yesterday continued this morning after
a temporary lull in activity. It has reach Kp 7 to 8 status now, and seems likely to
have significant effects on global seismicity. The largest earthquakes following such
storms often occur about 4-5 days later, so the days to watch might be 22-24 April.
Earthquake activity often increases along the Central San Andreas after such storms
as it did yesterday - more activity from Tres Pinos to the Geysers is likely, some in
the Ml>=3 range during the next week.
The storm resumed at about 00:00 UT this morning which would add areas within
30 degrees longitude of 180E and 0E to the seismic watch already in effect for
the regions within 30 degrees of 60E and 120E. The watch is nearing global potential
now, however strong events still appear most likely to occur in these sectors.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Strong geomagnetic storm continues - Canie  08:11:05 - 4/18/2002  (14993)  (1)
        ● Re: Strong geomagnetic storm continues - Lowell  08:24:09 - 4/18/2002  (14994)  (0)