Re: Lowell Is This A Test?
Posted by Petra Challus on April 17, 2002 at 23:30:04:

Hi Lowell,

The 9/22/99 quake was not on the San Andreas fault but only a few miles from me in Bennett Valley. It was an FFA from the Taiwan quake. I'd have to look at the 1/18/00 quake to find out where that one occurred. I'm not sure how wide your search area was, but it seems as though you're picking up a whole lot of quakes that have not occurred near on SAF near the ocean.

The reason I asked you if this was a test was because you didn't mention Bodega Bay. You may have said Ft. Ross instead. I'm not sure. But Don did point out to me there was a 1.5 just a mile away from today's quake yesterday and I missed it. So I was thinking that maybe you were testing us on how much we pay attention to your reports or keep up to date on daily occurrences.

But you are very thorough and its hard to get anything past you on any given date. But I would like to know when you ran your catalog what your radius was.

:-) Petra

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Lowell Is This A Test? - Lowell  00:14:38 - 4/18/2002  (14979)  (1)
        ● Re: Lowell Is This A Test? - Lowell  00:15:46 - 4/18/2002  (14980)  (1)
           ● Re: Lowell Is This A Test? - Don In Hollister  00:22:50 - 4/18/2002  (14981)  (1)
              ● Re: Lowell Is This A Test? - Lowell  00:44:03 - 4/18/2002  (14983)  (1)
                 ● Re: For Lowell & Don - Petra Challus  06:44:26 - 4/18/2002  (14988)  (1)
                    ● Re: For Lowell & Don - Lowell  07:47:56 - 4/18/2002  (14991)  (0)