Sunday Dedication
Posted by Petra Challus on April 14, 2002 at 09:57:00:

Good Morning All,

This Sunday Dedication is in honor of those who participate here and the thousands who stop by and pay us a visit. This morning I woke up and was recalling an event which occurred several years ago. I was sick and I asked the board members to say a prayer for me. I went to bed that night and in my dream I was like a patient in an operating theater. All around the operating space there were seats in an oval configuration, much like a stadium. Everyone was praying for my recovery and I could feel the love from them. I realized it wasn't just my fellow board members, praying, but the readers as well. It was a wonderful feeling.

I often wonder what the most interesting topics are that people come to read about. Is it Don's latest forecasts? Perhaps Lowell's daily Earthquake Summaries. What do they think when we fight with one another. Who's rooting for whom? Of course, we will never know the answer to these questions.

One thing I believe that can be said about every board member, each and every one of them displays a high level of intelligence. Though our members who are scientists can deliver the facts from known investigations, theories that have proven useful through the course of time, or just the basic knowledge that we laymen lack. The laymen, those who are seeking the answers, doing the field research and asking the questions are what creates a wheel of education that spins onward and upward.

For me I see a tapestry in creation. It's full of color, provocative scenes which weave a story together. It links the mysterious with the scientific, but it allows more room for exploration and especially in regard to finding the link between the unknown with the known. In this tapestry it asks the viewer time and again, how much of a connection exists between the universe and Earth? What is the connection between people with extrasensory perception to pending earthquakes? Are we working toward a point in time when many questions presented today will find answers in the future? And will they be the expected answers, or something else?

This Sunday Dedication is to those who chose to explore the length of depth in understanding the evolution of the Earth, earthquakes, connecting links and the personal stories of those who post here. We are just two handfuls, but for some odd reason, our readers find something they feel compelled to wish to connect with us and for all of you, I'm glad we present something worthy of your time.

I hope today and in the many days that follow, those who are here today will still be with us, those who have been here in the past shall return and we will also be joined by new members. A small stone has been cast into the pond in the forest, the ripples on the pond have gone out to the edge of the pond and the energy shared now travels around the globe. It really is a "lightwave." One that shines not only on the light on knowledge, but also on love, because in this place both are ever present.
