PREDICTION - Mammoth Lakes Area, California Earthquake Forecast (2.6-3.9)
Posted by Don In Hollister on April 11, 2002 at 01:39:50:

Magnitude: 2.6-3.9
From: 04/18/2002UTC - To: 04/22/2002UTC
Location: Mammoth Lakes Area, California
Lat: 37.9N - Long: 118.4W - Range: 35Km

Hi All. Looks like I’m going one mile from the middle of nowhere.

Looking for a 2.6 to 3.9 quake at 37.9N/118.4W. This is about 50Km NE of Mammoth Lakes.

Should occur on 04/20/2002. The window opens on 04/18/2002 and will close on 04/22/2002.

The radius for this will be 35Km.

Petra’s most recent ear tone pointed to 118.0W to 119.0W and had the Mammoth Lakes sound, but was slightly different then any of the others for this area. This makes me think that while it is in the Mammoth Lakes tone range it’s not at Mammoth Lakes. Take Care…Don in creepy town